Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6 months old!

Happy half birthday, my sweet Juliette! It's after midnight, so technically it was yesterday, but mommy's a night owl and her day rarely ends before 1:00 am. So technicalities aside, happy 6 months!

You are such a big girl now, I really just can't believe it. You have changed so much since the first day we met you. Although you were a "big" baby, you were so very tiny in my arms. You could curl up with your little legs pulled up under you and fit perfectly on my chest. In the beginning, that was the only place you would sleep - on mine or daddy's chest. Those were some of my favorite early moments with you...

Now, you are still a little baby, but so much bigger! You've pretty much grown out of your bassinet (I think you actually grew out of it a long time ago, but mommy was in denial about it because she wanted you to stay in it and keep sleeping right next to her). I've had to pack away your newborn clothes, then your 0-3 month, and now you're too big for almost all of your 3-6 month stuff...sigh. But don't worry, we have TONS of super cute stuff for you in bigger sizes! :)

I wanted to make a list of all the things you can do. I'm sure I will forget some, so I may have to come back and edit this post to add them. Here goes...

You can smile (gorgeous!)
You can laugh (musical!)
You like being tickled (especially by daddy)
You can babble, mainly "ma ma ma ma" (score!)
You can blow rasperries
You can lay on your tummy and hold your head and chest up
You reach for things and put EVERYthing into your mouth
You can hold toys, and switch them back and forth between hands
You can roll from tummy to back
You can sit unsupported for a couple seconds (you are still wobbly)
You can sit with your hands on the ground in front of you for a long time
You can hold your own bottle
You can take your pacifier out and put it back in
You know the difference between bottle and pacifier just by looking at them
You can squeal and squeak (I have the cutest video of it)
You LOVE music, and like to hear Itsy Bitsy Spider, Little Teapot, Frere Jacques, and Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson (random, I know, but you love it!)
You've just started to eat oatmeal, but the verdict is still out on that one :)
You can jump like crazy in your jumparoo
You like to bang your toys/pacifier/hands on any surface you can
You have just recently become fascinated with looking at your hands and fingers
You always try to go for mommy's phone and the remote control
You love bearing weight on your legs, and you love kicking!
You finally like baths and splash mommy and daddy soaking wet!
Your eyes are still blue (like daddy's)
Your smile and laugh can cheer us up and fill us with overwhelming love for you in an instant.
You bring nothing but pure joy to all of us who love you!

Happy half birthday, my love.


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