Happy birthday precious girl! You are one year old today! It has been an amazing year - full of joy, laughter, excitement, awe, questions, worries, snuggles, and LOVE! I just can't believe that one year ago today....
I was laying in a hospital bed hooked up to monitors and an IV, fresh out of surgery, fresh into motherhood. At this very moment, Daddy was probably catching a quick nap in the couch next to my bed. You were probably in my arms, as you were for the majority of the time we were in the hospital. I can't say exactly what you were doing - crying, sleeping, nursing, just being perfect little you. I do know how I was feeling. I was in awe, in love, enamored, bewitched. Happier than I'd ever been in my entire life, and probably more terrified too. The moment I saw you, heard your cry, I was taken over by a love so fierce and so intense that it was almost too big of a feeling to feel. You were finally here, the daughter I'd always dreamed of, the moving little creature I'd poked, nourished, and sung to for nine months. Those first few days were surreal. In fact, there have been several moments over the last year that have felt surreal. It's strange sometimes to look at you and know that while you are such a part of me, that you are made from me, you are also separate from me. You're a person - a person that is here because Daddy and I wanted you, and made you so. What a brilliant decision that was. You are everything a human being should be - smart, funny, sweet, clever, stunningly gorgeous, and a true individual already! I am proud of the person you are and the person you are becoming. I love you with the whole of my heart, my soul, my being.
Today we had a small little family party for you. We gave you mommy and daddy presents, and Mimi, Grandaddy, Grandma, and Auntie Beth also brought you some small gifts (they're saving the other ones for your BIG party on Saturday!) We gave you My Pal Violet who says your name and sings songs and teaches you all kinds of stuff. We also gave you a little piano/storybook toy, some shirts, a pink Gator jersey, and some bath toys. You also got blocks, a bath toy, a puzzle, and some money! Oh and we went to Build-A-Bear and made a birthday bear for you - that was fun!
I made some vanilla cupcakes with chocolate icing for you - and oh, did you love it! Well, the icing anyway.... :)
Clapping and saying "Yay!" - There was chocolate in your hair, on the back of your neck... :)
On Saturday we are having your big party at Mimi's house. You are going to be the center of attention! I've ordered a bigger cake for you to smash up (you had a trial run tonight, haha!) and lots of our friends will be there. I can't wait! :)
Ok, so I guess I'd better explain that boo-boo on your face..... *sigh* I think mommy and daddy will beat ourselves up for many years to come because of what happened to you. We went to the Gator homecoming parade last Friday and forgot sunscreen. Yes. Forgot it. :( Daddy tried to be resourceful and put a spare pair of pants on your head, but you still got pretty burned on the left side of your face. We felt so bad, but weren't too concerned as you didn't really seem to be bothered by it. We put aloe on it and figured it would peel and fade in a couple of days. Wrong! By Sunday you had a big blister. By Monday it was a yellow-ish wound and I flipped out! I was in tears that morning and decided to swallow my pride and call the doctor. Of course, they were much more calm and chill than I was and simply called in a prescription ointment to put on it. By Tuesday it was a big, red, crusty sore. Finally, over the last two days, it has begun to dry up and flake off. I have never felt so guilty in all my life! We've lived in Florida our whole lives and should have known better!
Well my love, if you are reading this far into the future, I am confident that you will have a healthy relationship with sunblock and a thorough education on the dangers of the sun! I am going to be the sunblock QUEEN! Your perfect alabaster skin will never burn again under our watch...we may make mistakes from time to time, but never the same mistake twice!
I love you, my big girl!!! I am so proud to be your mommy and can't wait to see what exciting things year two has in store!!
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